


Being represented by rightbrain recruiting, Inc. gives candidates an edge. We present you with jobs that are not posted on public job sites. Your recruiter will personally present your skills and gifts to our Client connecting the dots directly with the key criteria for the position they are seeking to fill.


We love referrals! Please share a name of a colleague you admire or respect. There is no obligation to know if this person is even interested but it helps us deepen our network of exceptional talent and they now can begin to have a relationship with a valuable resource within the industry.


It's important to be clear on your career goals for your rightbrain recruiter to present you with the best opportunities.  We strive to know what drives our candidates, in which environments they will thrive, and what inspire them.  Other factors to consider are short and long-term career goals, geographic preferences, salary expectations, and desired benefits.


Ahhhhh. The sweet smell of the job offer. The offer process is a critical juncture within the interviewing process. It’s not over until it’s over!  The more you share with your recruiter, the better they will be able to represent you with your potential employer. When mediating an offer, it is our goal to represent both parties driving the process to a successful conclusion where everyone wins.


Upon accepting an offer of employment it's time to set a date to begin work. Congratulations!


Do I pay a fee if rightbrain recruiting, Inc. represents me?

No. The client company engages rightbrain recruiting, Inc. to perform the search and thus pays the fee.

Will the recruitment fee come out of my salary or in any way effect what I earn?

No. Client agreements are negotiated separately from the details of an individual search. Agreements are in place with firms sometimes years in advance of a search taking place.

What if I already submitted my resume to the Client Firm?

Notify your recruiter immediately that you’ve already had contact with this firm and when. There are situations where rightbrain recruiting, Inc. may still be able to represent you for this position.

I don’t want someone sharing my Resume or Portfolio without my permission.

Rightbrain recruiting, Inc. prides itself on being sensitive to the confidentiality of your search and will never present you to a client without your permission.

What if I don’t hear back from my Recruiter?

While we strive to keep candidates in the loop, awaiting a response can be agonizing. Resist the urge to go around your recruiter and contact the firm directly. Instead, shoot your recruiter a quick email and ask for any updates. We will understand you are getting antsy and respond asap.